by adminphysio | Mar 24, 2022 | GENERAL, PELVIC/HIP/KNEE/ANKLE/FOOT, SPORT
ADDUCTOR RELATED GROIN PAIN IN FOOTBALL PLAYER Groin injuries are a substantial problem among football players due to the repetitive kicking, twisting and cutting involved in the sport. The first step to manage groin injuries should be an assessment with an...
by adminphysio | Dec 10, 2021 | ELBOW/WRIST, GENERAL
What is Mouse Arm Syndrome? Mouse Arm Syndrome is the symptoms, pain conditions, and discomfort in the hand, arm, and shoulder, experienced by computer workers that are subject to repetitive strain using the mouse and keyboard. The symptoms may include: Pain in...
by Foo Yoong | Dec 9, 2021 | GENERAL, SPORT
TO ICE OR NOT TO ICE As we may know, the “RICE” protocol is the standard procedure and the most effective protocol when it comes to injuries. It has been passed down for centuries, however is it still True? For Your Infromation, RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression...
by Foo Yoong | Nov 11, 2021 | GENERAL, PELVIC/HIP/KNEE/ANKLE/FOOT
Are you experiencing intense sharp pain in your buttock region radiating down the back of your thigh especially after sitting still for extended periods of time? You might be having piriformis syndrome. The spasm in the piriformis muscle causes irritation of...
by Foo Yoong | Oct 30, 2021 | ELBOW/WRIST, GENERAL
There was once a wise man said “A shoulder stretch a day, keeps the doctor away”. PS: just kidding Feeling like your shoulder does not move as good as how it used to be? Try these moves to unlock your shoulder !!! Horizontal abduction stretch 1. Cross your...
by Kelly | Oct 27, 2021 | GENERAL
How do the exercises help TMJ? Relax the jaw Stretch the jaw Strengthen jaw muscles Increase jaw mobility Reduce jaw clicking Promote jaw healing 1. Relaxed Jaw Exercise Rest your tongue gently on the top of your mouth behind your upper front teeth. Allow teeth to...