
Types of Vertigo 

There are 4 types of Vertigo that physiotherapy treatment can help with.

Most of people that suffer from giddiness depend on medication to control the symptoms of giddiness.

Eventually medication help to solve most of the giddiness but some just temporary relief.

Here we going to introduce 4 type of vertigo and how physiotherapy will help in the condition.


1. Brain Injury


Brain injury caused by stroke, traumatic brain injury , post brain surgery and any other injury to the brain will produce the symptom of giddiness.

Physiotherapy Treatment: balance training, proprioception training, Gaze training.


2. Visual Ocular Reflex Dysfunction ( VOR dysfunction)



VOR is a reflex acting to stabilize gaze during head movement, with eye movement due to activation of the vestibular system. The reflex acts to stabilize images on the retinas of the eye during head movement. The impairment of this system may result in vertigo, unable to determine the position, motion and altitude to the ground.

Physiotherapy Treatment: balance training, gaze training.


3. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)


BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo, giddiness will trigger with specific changes of the head position. For example only turn the head to the right side will trigger the vertigo but turn the head to the left will not.

Physiotherapy treatment: Vertigo Maneuvers


4. Muscular-skeletal dysfunction


Our brain will continuously received the signal from our body. Our muscle tension also will give signal to our brain to tell our body position. Muscle imbalance will send a false signal to our brain and causes misinterpretation of the information and will cause vertigo symptom.

Physiotherapy treatment : Muscle release technique, stretching, balance training.

Article by

Lee Choon Yik


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