by Kelly | May 6, 2023 | PELVIC/HIP/KNEE/ANKLE/FOOT
Step Up Variation Step-up exercise is very important to improve the correlation between Vastus Medialic Oblique and Vastus Lateralis in terms of maintaining the knee cap in position. These exercises are used to improve Terminal Knee extension with strength and...
by Kelly | Apr 14, 2023 | SPORT
Scar from surgery, ports, or drains can heal thick (keloid), and tight if no proper care and management has been done. Thus, there are a few tips that you can do to help improve skin texture, color, and mobility. Here are the tips to do to help heal the...
by Kelly | Mar 27, 2023 | PELVIC/HIP/KNEE/ANKLE/FOOT
Morton’s neuroma is a type of nerve compression that affects the common plantar digital nerve. It typically occurs in the third web space of the foot, with the second and fourth spaces also being affected(Barry &, 2019). In some cases, it may be...
by Kelly | Feb 28, 2023 | PELVIC/HIP/KNEE/ANKLE/FOOT
Total Knee Replacement is procedure involves replacing the worn out or damaged joint surfaces with artificial joints called prosthesis where knee, hip and shoulder joints are commonly replaced joints. These surgeries are beneficial in relieving pain and restoring lost...
by Kelly | Feb 9, 2023 | NECK AND SHOULDER
ROLE OF THE CORE MUSCLES IN BADMINTON The core muscles play a vital role in any sport and dynamic movement. They not only act as stabilizers and force generators but also contribute to the kinetic chain for energy transference. Core exercises in...