Core stability is a crucial aspect of physical fitness that refers to the ability to control and stabilize the movement of the spine and pelvis. It has gained popularity in rehabilitation as researchers have discovered its impact on lower extremity mechanics and performance.
Additionally, core stability may help athletes maintain their center of gravity and improve their overall performance. Despite being frequently promoted in magazines and websites, the importance of core strength is not limited to athletes or those involved in sports and recreation. Rather, it is an essential part of a well-rounded fitness program that can benefit people of all ages, including desk workers, people who work on their feet, children, and older adults.
THREE importance of strong stable core.
A strong stable core is able to reduce to chances of getting injured. A well-maintained core is a crucial part of overall strength and fitness which significantly relate to reducing injury. Iliopsoas muscle act as a messenger for central nervous system while other core muscles support the spine which in turn improves spinal regulation of the nervous system. Improving the strength at the hips and lower back area able to reduces the chances of injuries to leg muscles (Athletic Lab. 2017).
Improving coordination is another importance of strong stable core. Core muscles help in coordinating the upper and lower body synchronous movement. Better coordination produces smooth movement which is important for an athlete as it can determine the losing or winning of the game (Athletic Lab. 2017).
Having a strong stable core is able to improve the balance and stability. Strong stable core strengthens the muscles at the pelvis, lower back, hips, and abdomen and allows them to work in harmony. This will lead to better balance and stability which allows an athlete to perform better. Most of the sports and physical activities depend on a stable core muscles (Mayo Clinic. 2017).
In the nutshell, the core stability training is increasing in popularity as clinicians have become aware of the relationship that a poorly functioning core has to performance and injury. Core stability training focuses on the maintenance of neutral spinal alignment, optimal trunk position, and the transfer of loads along the kinetic chain (Huxel & Anderson, 2013). A variety of assessment tools can be utilized to evaluate core stability. There was a study done by Munton, Manzo & Caschetta, (2008) stated that athletes must display appropriate core strength, stability, and dynamic control of the lumbar–pelvic–hip complex to produce an efficient movements.
Paine, R. M., & Johnson, R. M. (2009). Conditioning, Training, and Rehabilitation for the Golfers Shoulder. The Athletes Shoulder, 465-489. doi:10.1016/b978-044306701-3.50040-2
Hewett, T. E., & Zazulak, B. T. (2012). Rehabilitation Considerations for the Female Athlete. Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete, 143-154. doi:10.1016/b978-1-4377-2411-0.00009-5
Athletic Lab. (2017). Importance of Core Strength in Soccer Players by Amer Nahhas – Athletic Lab. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2017].
Mayo Clinic. (2017). Why your core muscles matter. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2017].
Munton, D. L., Manzo, G. D., & Caschetta, E. J. (2008). Core Stabilization. The Sports Medicine Resource Manual, 444-452. doi:10.1016/b978-141603197-0.10035-7
Article by
Kang June
Rehab Coach