Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Is an inner ear disorder that results in vertigo which results in dizziness or a sensation of spinning in one’s own body or the environment. Those with BPPV will experience short but intense episodes of vertigo with certain head movements.
Happens when Otoconia (calcium carbonate crystals) in the inner ear dislodges and falls into one of the three semicircular canals in our ears. When we move our head, movements of the otoconia in the semicircular canals creates inappropriate stimulation to the brain, resulting in vertigo.
Often triggered by specific head movements such as looking up, looking left or right, sitting up in bed, lying down in bed and rolling over in bed.
Physiotherapy treatment
Epley maneuver and Semont maneuver provided by physiotherapists aims to guide the dislodged crystals out from the semicircular canals.
Brandt-Daroff Exercises are given to help the brain to adapt from abnormal signals coming from the inner ear
After the maneuvers, patients proceed to undergo vestibular rehabilitation to reduce dizziness, improve balance, and increase functional independence in daily activities. Examples of vestibular rehabilitation include exercises involving rapid head movements, eyes exercises, and balance training.
Prepared by
Vanessa Fong
Your Physio Kepong