
I think most of us know that the core of our body is the abdominal muscle. A strong core plays an important role in improving posture, balance, and overall strength of our body. But, do you know that where is our shoulder “core”?

Actually, shoulder blade is our shoulder “core”. Scapula or also known as shoulder blade is a triangular bone that forms the back of your shoulder. The scapula is supported by a complex system of muscles that work together to help us to move our arm. Weakness in any one of the muscles (for example, serratus anterior, rhomboids, and also the trapezius muscles) that attached to the scapula can affect the motion and also the positioning of the scapula.

Our shoulder requires both mobility and stability in order to support and stabilize the rest of the upper extremity. So this is why an alteration in scapular position or motion can make it difficult to move our arm especially some overhead movements.

So, how do we make this “shoulder core” stronger?

Below I’ll be showing 5 effective exercises to improve the scapular stabilization.

1. Scapular retraction

Stand with good posture. Relax head and neck, tighten your core. Squeeze shoulders back and avoid shrugging shoulders. Hold for 10 secs. Then relax the shoulder. Repeat 10 times for 1 set. Perform 3 times per day.

2. Bilateral external rotation

Stand tall with both elbows 90 degrees by your side by holding the resistance band. Gently open arms out to sides against resistance. Feel the shoulder blade activation and open up the chest as well.  Beware of the ribs flare out and don’t let shoulders to tilt forward. Repeat 10 times for 1 set. Perform 3 times per day.

3. Prone T

Lay on the floor facing down with your arms by your sides. Hold the hands out to the sides to create a letter “T” with your body. Turn your thumb up facing the ceiling. Lift arms up toward the ceiling while maintaining a “T” position by engaging muscles between shoulder blades. Relax and lowering both arms on the ground again. Repeat 10 times for 1 set. Perform 3 times per day.

4. Prone Y

Lay on the floor facing down with your arms by your sides. Raise both arms overhead to create a letter “Y”. Turn your thumb up facing the ceiling. Lift arms up toward the ceiling while maintaining a “Y” position by engaging muscles between shoulder blades. Relax and lowering both arms on the ground again. Repeat 10 times for 1 set. Perform 3 times per day.

5. Standing rows

Stand with good posture and few inches apart. Position the resistance band at elbow height. Stand tall, both hands holding the band and bringing the shoulder down and back. don’t forget to engage your core. Feel the shoulder blade activation and open up the chest as well. But beware of the ribs to flare out. Repeat 10 times for 1 set. Perform 3 times per day.

Let’s practice these exercises to build our shoulder core stronger!

Article by JOVY LOO

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