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Category Ergonomics And Healthy Lifestyle Event
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3 Advantages of Core Activation
What is Core Muscles? Core muscles is the central part of the body. Core muscles is a group of...
Understanding Your Lingering Pain
“I have gone through many sessions of physiotherapy and my pain has reduced greatly but it is...
Could Your Back Pain Be Scoliosis???
Scoliosis is a medical condition marked by an abnormal three-dimensional curvature and rotation of...
Static vs Dynamic Stretching – Which One is Better?
You may have heard of doing static stretching before and after exercise. It benefits our...
How Physiotherapy Can Help with Bell’s Palsy?
Bell’s palsy is a disorder that affects nerves and muscles in the face causing paralysis or droop...
How Prolonged Sitting Affects Your Body?
What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? Neck gets tense and tight Disc in lower back begin to...
Fall Prevention Exercises For Elderly
How to reduce the risk of falls among the elderly? Fall risk increases yearly especially...
3 simple exercise to correct slouching
Slouch is hanging your shoulder forward and head bent slightly over when you are sitting, standing...
3 Best Tips on Proper Desk Ergonomics
Regardless of working at office or working from home, a proper desk setup is a must for office...