A good posture is the most important element of a good workplace ergonomics. We will be at low risk of computer-related injury if we have a good posture during work. To ensure good posture, make sure that:
– Good chair with dynamic back support. Sit back in it and avoid sitting half of the seat. Sitting 90 degree or upright is not relaxed. Studies show that the best seated posture is a reclined posture of 100-110 degrees. Reclined posture helps in decreasing postural muscle activity and intervertebral disc pressure in the lumbar spine.
– Comfortable reading distance. The reading distance should be about one arm’s length.
– Neutral neck position. The monitor height should be allow the neck to be in neutral position. If the monitor is placed too low, neck need to bend further to compensate it and eventually may cause some neck pain and discomfort. Forward head posture develop when the reading distance is too short.
– Shoulder down. Avoid shruging of shoulder.
– Elbow off. Arms and elbows relaxed close to body. The two third of the forearm should placed on the desk with minimal bend of the wrist.
– Hip higher. Hip have to be higher than our knees.
– Feet on floor or stable footrest. Avoid hanging of the feet.

– Everything within reach easily. Make sure that those things that we uses most frequently are placed closest to us so that we can be conveniently and comfortably reached.
– Scoot in so that your stomach is close to the working desk. If the distance between our body and the working desk is too far away, we may develop hunched back or forward head posture while working.
– Click close. Make sure that our mouse is close by our keyboard. If we move away, we might get unnecessary neck and shoulder tension.

– Rest break. We should take a brief rest break for every 30-60 minutes. During this break, just stand up and move around, go to the washroom, get a drink of coffee, water or chitchat with your colleagues or whatever. This allow us to rest and ease from the tension.
– Exercise break. During this break, you can do some stretching to help relieve the muscle fatigue. Gentle exercises which can improve the blood circulation after prolonged sitting are recommended.
– Eye break. In every 20 minutes, we should look away from the monitor and focus on something that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds to ease the eye fatigue. Blink your eyes rapidly for a few seconds to refreshes the tear film and clears dust from the eye surface.
Article by
Jovy Loo Jing Wen
from Your Physio Penang